Friday, February 11, 2011

Turtle Roadkill

Happy Soon-To-Be-Valentine's Day!

This holiday, revered by few and loathed by many, holds for me a wonderful tradition: Pizza and a movie on my couch. This, of course, should be accompanied by enormous quantities of that fabulous aphrodisiac and comfort food: CHOCOLATE.

And so I present for your intense scrutiny: Turtle Roadkill.

I know this is unexpected for those of you that have tried my truffles (but don't worry, I will post them too). Turtle Roadkill is not pretty, but it is YUMMY and very, very easy.

You will need two things: Small pretzels (\AKA Tiny Twists) and a bag of Rolos. That's right! I said Rolos.

Lay out all the pretzels in neat lines on a baking sheet.  
As you can see here, I also found Tree Pretzels which are great for Christmas, Earth Day or what you will.

Place a Rolo on top of each pretzel.

Put them in the oven on the lowest heat possible. My oven's lowest temperature is 170. At that temperature the Rolos need 8 minutes to get soft enough. At 200 degrees you only need 5 minutes.

Once you have taken the tray out of the oven, use the back of a spoon to press the Rolos into their pretzels.

These are good warm or cool.